When you meet a coach like Panjee, you hold them close and do not let go.

Panjee helped me trust myself again after a traumatic and physically violent breakup. To lose trust of myself did not allow me to fully move forward. She made it safe for me to reassess and acknowledge my former husband’s 97 percent responsibility but guided me to look into my own 3 percent as well. Why? So I can powerfully integrate my splintered self again! And did I integrate! Becoming whole meant saying “yes” to my “happy even after.” Panjee’s incredible coaching held me accountable to the new agreements I made with myself. Our weekly work gave me clarity and courage to reach out for my list of impossibles. By impossible, these were dreams and longings I let go of while in my previous marriage. Conscious Uncoupling™️ provided me with a rolling momentum.

The greatest gift of Panjee’s step-by-step and rigorous coaching unwittingly prepared me for an extra miracle: I actually met a highly emotionally available man. I am now in a marriage that strives for authenticity and deeper self awareness.

With Panjee’s work, I think it is safe to say that the light I had lost is definitely back and I’m shining again.

Thank you so much Panjee!
— Cez Nuñez

With practice, HeartMath® gave me the power to be at ease when faced with the most difficult people and situations.
In the past, I would be quick to run away, judge, dismiss, retaliate in anger or be violent.
Now, I am more confident because I am able to tap into a practice that works. Now, my heart is my weapon and love is my most radical act thanks to HeartMath.
— Mae Paner

As a single mom, I had always needed to show the world that I was a strong, happy woman. I always tried to convince myself that I was okay with growing old alone, never finding my one true love.

Deep inside, I knew that I wanted to love and be loved again. But every time someone would show interest in me, I would shut him off. Worse, I met a guy I really, really liked, but I had a long list of reasons why we could never be together. So, when my friend told me that she was having coaching sessions with Panjee using the Calling In the One™️ framework, and that she was going through a journey of self-reflection to figure out what blocked her from calling in her one, I knew in my heart that I needed to go through the same program. It was one of the best self-investment I had ever made and it surpassed my expectations. Panjee guided me in re-discovering myself, my true worth as a person. She helped me uncover my beliefs that were founded on misconceptions, which were my blockages to calling in the one. She taught me how to focus on the truth in any situation.

There were times when our coaching session would be about the problems I encountered at work or at home; she would always meet me where I was “being.” I’ve learned so many tools from Panjee that I now apply when dealing not just with men, but also with my children, boss, colleagues, and friends. The concepts are universal, so are the tools. Calling In the One™️ is not just about finding romantic love. It’s about being the best me in all aspects of my life, so that I attract all the good intentions I set for myself, including the One.
Of course, while the coaching sessions have been completed, I am still going through my journey of being the best me and this will be a continuous process.

But I have learned to always be conscious of how I am being in any situation I encounter and focus on the truth. This has moved me farther than I have imagined with the intentions I’ve set and already achieved, and I am so excited to call in my One very soon.
— Celine Salazar
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