Panjee Tapales Coaching

Panjee Tapales Coaching

 Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate.
— Carl Jung

Who I Am

Welcome! If you found me, you must already be on a journey towards wholeness, driven by a longing to make sense of what it means to be human in a world turned upside down. Like me, you must be living with questions about how to live and love better, to be more human in the face of all the worldwide upheaval.

I hear you and I feel you.

I carry the same burning questions in my heart about the world and our place and task in it as human beings, alive at this particular point in human and world evolution. The answer that keeps meeting me is this: we are here to love bigger, deeper, more courageously, wholeheartedly, and consciously. Yet, we are mostly playing small; we simply don’t know how to do it differently. We are hurt, wounded, traumatised, brokenhearted and have been perpetuating old stories that only create the same dynamic.

I came to this work because I was ready to change that story. Deep in my heart, I knew I was co-authoring every disappointment and heartbreak, yet I realised that if I had the power to do that then I certainly have the power to create something else.

And when you’re ready, the teachers come.


What I Do

As a HeartMath®, Conscious Uncoupling™ and Calling In The One™ Coach, I am here to help you uncover beliefs and behaviours that have created the story you are living today. I will be your steadfast companion on this journey into self-awareness, which is always wonderfully textured and complex. I will hold the high watch for the life your heart longs to manifest. We will work on the elements of your narrative that no longer serve your vision and craft those that will resonate at last. I continue to walk this path myself, committed to the lifelong work of self-knowledge. It is an honor to be able to walk with you on yours. Together we will discover who you deeply and truly are so you can graduate from unhealthy patterns of relating, develop new skills to support your transformation, and begin to create the future you want--in truth, consciousness and love.



“The greatest gift of Panjee’s step-by-step and rigorous coaching unwittingly prepared me for an extra miracle: I actually met a highly emotionally available man. I am now in a marriage that strives for authenticity and deeper self awareness.

With Panjee’s work, I think it is safe to say that the light I had lost is definitely back and I’m shining again.”

— Cez Nuñez


Notes on the Journey

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